To catch a glimpse of a lynx in the Pass is a rare event indeed. Seldom seen, these wild cats resemble a very large domestic cat.
Its winter coat is a slightly mottled light grey, the summer coat has a reddish-brown cast. (remnants of the summer coat is visible on hind end in photo to right) |
60 cm to shoulders, 90 cm in length |
10 to 13 kg. |
Up to 14.5 yrs. |
Lynx usually live in mature forests with dense undergrowth but can also be found in more open forests, rock areas or tundra. |
Strictly meat eaters, they stalk prey and kill with a bite to the vertebrae of the neck. Prey include: rodents, rabbits, birds and reptiles. |
No. |
Human. When young/ill: Fox, Coyote, Owl. |
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